Thursday 20 October 2016

Tens of thousands of women have demonstrated across Latin America after the rape and death of a teenage girl.

Earlier this month 16-year-old Lucia Perez was drugged, tortured and repeatedly raped before dying of a heart attack in the coastal city of Mar del Plata in Argentina - two men known for selling drugs outside a school were detained in Mar del Plata on Sunday and charged with rape and homicide.
A group known as Not One Less organised the protests which saw female workers in Buenos Aires stop work for an hour yesterday to take to the streets dressed in black to highlight violent crimes committed against women.
The Permanent Assembly for Human Rights estimates that a woman is killed every 30 hours in Argentina.
Image Caption:Many of the women taking part int he demonstrations dressed in black
Protesters marched through the city with some holding pictures of victims. One protester carried a sign saying: "I march because I was luckier." Another read: "I want to live without fear."
Demonstrator Victoria Vazquez said: "I want to go out on a quiet street. I want to do the same things that men do. 
"I want to go out at three in the morning and not have anything happen to me. I want to wear a skirt in the summer and no one say anything to me, no one bother me. 
"I don't want to feel fear each time I see a group of five guys that are waiting on a corner to say something to me. I want to be relaxed on the street and that they stop the killing."
Another protester said: "The clock is ticking and there is scarcely 30 hours until another body appears. So we all have to be here - men, women, boys, girls, teenagers."

Thousands of protesters also took to the streets in Chile, Bolivia, Mexico and Spain in support of the demonstration in Argentina.
Image Caption:These women took to the streets in Mexico City as the protests spread beyond Argentina
In Bolivia Protester Alejandra Canelas said: ""The women of Argentina have called a nationwide women's protest. 

"Here in Bolivia, we are tired that women are the ones that are killed and raped daily, and we have also decided to come together in a national women's strike, called by the women of Argentina, so that little by little, people from other countries will also join this mobilisation."

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